Cryptography: Cryptography, EFS (Encrypting File System), IPSec


See also the Authentication section elsewhere in this site



High level view of cryptography:

CLEARTEXT --> encrypt --> CIPHERTEXT --> de-crypt --> CLEARTEXT

Design goals of cryptology

Uses of cryptology




Signing = sender’s message is hashed and then the sender’s private key used to encrypt this hash, the encrypted hash is the signature. The receiver decrypts the signature using the sender’s public key back to the hash, independently hashes the message, and compares the two together – if they are the same the message is indeed signed by the private key holder and has not been changed in transit. Note that the message was readable in transit by third parties.

Encrypting = sender’s message is encrypted with receiver’s public key. Receiver decrypts encrypted message with their own private key. Only the intended receiver can decrypt. The message was not readable in transit at all.

Symmetric = two way = private key encryption = fast

Asymmetric = one way = uses a key pair = public key encryption (PKI) = slow for large tasks

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) activation forces:


Encrypting File System - EFS

Reference ISBN: 0321305019 Roberta Bragg's "Windows Server 2003 Security : A Technical Reference" for great detail.

Encrypting File System (EFS) OS >= 2000:

Encrypting File System (EFS) OS >= XP, all of above plus:

key archival: 2003 CA has ability to archive user's private EFS keys

Standalone systems operate differently from domain based...

Algorithm choices by OS, bold is default
2000 DESX
XP DESX, can use 3DES
2003 DESX, 3DES, AES

Certificates and keys must be backed up and secured as part of the EFS use and data recovery policy.

Private key should be removed from the system to greatly reduce attacker's ability to unencrypt encrypted files - however, with the private key removed, even the authorized user (username and password) can't unencrypt.

Layers of protection:

EFS GPO settings are in Windows Settings / Security Settings / Public Key Policies

NTBACKUP supports backing up encrypted files.

EFS encryption steps:

  1. NTFS driver calls fsclient which calls either local or remote LSA (Local Security Authority)
  2. LSA checks rights and free space
  3. LSA generates FEK (File Encryption Key) - each file gets an new FEK
  4. LSA encrypts FEK with user's and recovery agent's public key
  5. LSA writes EFS metadata including: version, algorithm used, DDF (Data Decryption Fields), DRF (Data Recovery Fields)
  6. Each DRF is the FEK encrypted with a user's public key (the DRF maxes at 256K ~800 users per file)
  7. LSA encrypts file with FEK
  8. This process is a performance optimizing mix of private and public encryptions

cipher cli:

Third-party certification authority support for encrypting file system

File servers:



IPsec is a suite of protocols for securing IP communications by authenticating and/or encrypting each IP packet in a data stream.

<opinion> The Internet is powerful and grew and is growing and TCP/IP is the de facto network operating system due to its open-ness and focus on network intelligence at the edge instead of the core. With the use of the Internet by business and increased ease and return on cracking [malevolent hacking] IPSec offers security enhancements to a basically naked TCP/IP stack. </opinion> IPSec is built natively into IPv6, but is an add-on to IPv4. IPSec uses IKE, AH, and ESP.

Note about the default supplied with the OS client, server, and secure server IPSec policies: Depending on your reference source, these are usually categorized as samples for learning and lab work only, all the way to other sources saying these three are all you'll probably ever need.


Major points on this protocol:

IPSec tools:

The term mode is overused, you need to choose:

Anatomy of IPSec.doc - a "Down in the weeds" look at MS IPSec

IPSEC_FAQ.ppt - Largish MS Power Point on IPSec - A MS KS article simply turned into a ppt...

AH Transport Mode Packet Structure:

ESP Transport Mode Packet Structure:

AH Tunnel Mode Packet Structure:

ESP Tunnel Mode Packet Structure:

Certificate Services

"Certificate Services" is Microsoft's PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) implementation


CA - Certificate Authority

CRL - Certificate Revocation List

Certificate enabled applications


FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) activation forces:

Cryptography Decrypted
by H. X. Mel, Doris M. Baker, Steve Burnett
ISBN: 0-2016-1647-5
A little dry, but thorough. Maybe out of date by now too...