AD LAYER 8: AD background-ish info, Forests, Forest Root Domain, Trees, Domains, OUs, DCs, GCs, FSMOs, GPO stuff, AD Functional Levels, Trusts, Kerberos , Architecture, MISC


Active Directory (AD) background-ish info

See the authentication section elsewhere on this site - it tightly integrated with the content on this page

A GPO is a group of security policies and has almost nothing to do with groups.

An OU is not a group. An OU is not a security principle. An OU is a container object to which GPOs can be linked.

See also the AD architecture section of this site

See Service Locators on the DNS page of this site



An instance of AD

A single configuration partition

A forest is a true security boundary - choose multiple forests to has security boundary separations

A forest has a single schema - choose multiple forests to have more than one schema

A forest can contain millions of objects

A forest contains one or more trees

A single GC (Global Catalog) replica

There are trusts between all domains in a forest. There trusts are automatically created.

See also Trusts, below


Forest Root Domain

A forest has a single forest root domain.

Enterprise admins (EAs) are homed in the forest root domain - EAs have rights to all domains in the forest.

The forest root domain is always the first domain instantiated in the forest.

The forest root is not moveable or transferable or deleteable. It is cumbersome to rename the root domain.

All trees in the forest have a trust relationship with the forest root domain, so inter-tree DNS (and replication ?) traffic flows through the forest root. This is the central tree root trust.

A forest may have a empty root domain or dedicated root domain, such as "DS" or "AD". Under this root are child domains. No or minimal principles are kept in the root. This is a best security practice (at least in larger organizations), as domain admins (DAs) in the forest root can self privilege elevate to enterprise admins (EAs), and this model basically gives a whole domain just to the EAs to avoid this and thus keeps all the child domains on equal security boundary terms. EA's are in the forest root domain by default; the empty root security model gives a whole domain to EAs.

See also Trusts, below



A tree is made of domains; specifically a tree is one or more name-space-wise contiguous AD domains.

See also Trusts, below



Contains OUs, users, computers, and many other objects

A division or part of a forest

Domain has a real-world and best practice minimum of two DCs. (Technically only one DC is required.)

All replica servers (AKA DCs) in a domain share a domain partition in their NTDS.dit database file

GCs have a index subset of this domain partition

Security principle's"home" domain provides authentication, this means for resources in other domains to authenticate the principle, cross-domain authentication traffic must occur.

Enterprise admins (EAs) have rights to all domains in their forest

See also Trusts, below

More info on these next points in the design section under "One or more domains?"

A replication boundary

GPO based account policy is by domain only

An administrative boundary


The Organizational Unit - OU

Contains users, computers, other objects

OU best practice:


Global Catalog (GC)

An index and partial replica of the objects and attributes most frequently used (throughout the whole forest) in every domain.

MS recommends a GC in each Site. Note that there is a GC (and DC) replication cost incurred which might outweigh the service's placement here.

If the forest is only domain, can simply make all DCs GCs, as there is no replication hit taken in this scenario.

MS recommends a GC (in the same site) for each Exchange server.


Universal Group Caching

Universal Group (UG) Caching off, by default.

UG Caching set by site - ensure that the Site contains >= 1 2003 DC, as this is a 2003 feature.

Function allows a DC to query a GC for and cache a user's UG membership - subsequent UG membership lookups can hit the DC and be resolved without a (potentially cross-WAN) GC query.


Flexible Single-Master Operations (FSMO)

Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) roles. In AD as much as possible is set up to replicate via multi-master replication. There are some functions which use a single master replication scheme - these are due to limitations imposed by security, Kerberos design, performance, whatever. Satirically speaking one might say the rigid roles are referred to as flexible; however what is meant is that though there is a single instance of the role, the flexibility is in its placement.

FSMO name one per definition DR
schema master forest ???  
domain naming master forest ???  
Primary DC Emulator - PDCE domain In mixed mode the PDCE is a W2Kx DC which serves as the NT4 PDC for the NT4 BDCs to replicate with. Even in native mode the PDCE is the Kerberos password change server - the authoritative reference for all passwords if there is a question of an as yet un-replicated password change.  
infrastructure master domain ???  
RID master domain ???  


Group Policy Object (GPO) stuff

Acronym / mnemonic device to remember GPO link precedence and application

Group Policy Loopback Support
Windows 2000 Resource Kits: Windows 2000 Resource Kits > Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit > Distributed Systems Guide > Desktop Configuration Management > Group Policy
Group Policy Loopback Support.doc - MS Word formatted from above MS KB article

Group Policy Tips and Info

Verbose Active Directory Group Policy Tutorial

Block GPO Inheritance = anarchists setting
Group Policy for Windows 2003 - Inheritance


Native tools with which to manipulate Group Policy Templates -or- Security Templates -or- .inf files
Security Templates MMC view or edit existing or create new
Security Configuration and Analysis MMC check existing against template. Compare, tweak, export, modify
SECEDIT CLI like above but CLI
Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) MMC link templates to domains or OUs
Active Directory Sites and Services MMC link templates to sites
GPMC MMC view links, link to all
local security policy MMC link templates to local system
gpupdate (/force) CLI apply policy now
gpresult CLI view what policies applied
Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) MMC view what policies MIGHT apply!


Predefined security templates
Setup Security.inf used during install - large file not to be used as a GPO
default template above, incremental templates below
compatws.inf weakens security for backwards compatibility for legacy applications
securews.inf increases security
securedc.inf increases security
hisecws.inf increases security more - specifically network communications
hisecdc.inf increases security more - specifically network communications
dcsecurity.inf template used during DCPROMO / placement in the Domain Controllers OU
rootsec.inf used to reapply NTFS permissions to the OS system drive
hisec > sec
ws = for workstation or server
dc = for domain controller



Active Directory Functional levels

NT levels
2000 levels
2003 levels
NT (default)
mixed (default)
2000 mixed (default)
2000 (default)

2000 native

  • Special group nesting avail
  • Universal groups avail
  • Remote Access (RA) Policies avail - more
  • SID history (filtering) avail



2003 interim

  • Above features plus,
  • Domain functional level of interim is special for in-place migration from NT4 directly to 2003 with no 2000 servers as DCs

2003 interim

  • Replication mechanism improved to replicate only changes to group membership instead of the whole group again when changes are made to group membership
  • InterSite Topology Generator (ISTG) upgraded


  • Above features plus,
  • New LastLogonTimestamp added - basically this is a replication of the last logon time through AD - this value prior to this was avial only on the single DCs logged onto
  • inetOrgPerson - new feature to ease compatibility with other LDAP based directory services
  • NETDOM.EXE DC rename - a non-trivial feature to implement


  • Above features plus,
  • Forest trusts added
  • Domain renaming - non-trivial
  • Upgrade to schema attribute and class mechanisms
  • interOrgPerson conversion to and from user class
  • new dynamic attribute class link to object feature

Domain and forest functionality
Location on site: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Tech Center, Product Help > Active Directory > Active Directory Concepts > Understanding Active Directory > Understanding Domains and Forests

Extra bit on interim levels: "Upgrading from a Windows NT domain,"

What are the domain and forest function levels in a Windows Server 2003-basedActive Directory?
By: Daniel Petri

ADPREP - AD Preparation Tool



The Transitive property:

Domains in a tree have automatic two-way transitive parent-child trusts.

Non-forest root tree's parent domain has two-way transitive trust with forest root tree parent domain. In other words trees in a forest trust each other at their roots - where the root is the top of the tree.

All domains in a forest exist in a complete trust model by way of walking the tree(s).

Shortcut trusts shorten the tree walk - shortcut trusts are one to two way transitive below or down the tree only.

A forest trust is between two 2003 forests. The forest trust is at the forest root domains. It is one or two way transitive between the domains in the two forests only - that is if ForestA has a forest trust with ForestB and ForestB has a forest trust with ForestC: All the domains in ForestA trust all the domains in ForestB, and all the domains in ForestB trust all the domains in ForestC, but there is no transitivity or trust relationship between ForestA and ForestC.

A realm trust is from an AD domain to a KRB5 (Kerberos) realm. (A KRB5 realm is a MS AD domain.) The realm trust can be one-way or two-way; it can be transitive or non-transitive.

The external trust is a one-way non-transitive trust between a AD domain and an NT4 domain, or a AD domain to AD domain trust where the two AD domains are in different forests. Could think of it as a way to do forest trust before both forests are at 2003 forest functional level, or maybe you only want/need one domain in each of the forests to have a trust relationship - no the whole forests.

Forest level trusts and UPN suffix routing


The DSA layer interfaces with LDAP, replication systems, and SAM mechanisms

This is an excellent document detailing GC ports and with lots of diagrams showing how everything works at the under the hood level

DSA - Directory Service Agent
database layer - unpublished API
ESE - Extensible Storage Engine - transactional database
AD store - actual db files

The ESE:

The AD Store:

The schema table contains object classes and attributes. Object classes and attributes require:

Schema stuff:

You can control what domain objects and domain object's attributes are included in the GC partial replicas. You can control indexing attributes. Realize this can result in both performance boosts and performance hits

AD Partitions - naming contexts

LDAP is an interface to the AD database and has names for its path syntax:

Breaking down user mode vs kernel mode - while these are somewhat elusive, they do provide a pictorial illistration:

EFS operating system components with user and kernel modes shown

Windows 2000 Plug and Play Architecture with user and kernel modes shown