Complementaries, or Accent plants, on this page:

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Plant: Delosperma Sphalmanthoides

Obtained: Bought at a show

Training: N/A

Detail: N/A


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Plant: Black Mondo Grass

Obtained: June 22, 2011 SBBK meeting - 'won' at auction

Training: N/A

Detail: It was flowering!


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Plants: Rhodohypoxis - fuzzy spurs, pink flower; Fern; Horse tail

Obtained: June 22, 2011 SBBK meeting Accent (Complementary) $10 Workshop plant I assembled

Training: N/A

Detail: Dec 2011 described as, "Accessory collection of unknown branchy with much clover. Shiney black bonsai pot."


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Plants: Unk.

Obtained: N/A

Training: Sit out in the RB.

Detail: Dec 2011 described as, "Accessory thing with two mini trunks, some clover, minoi-flowered killer-vine. Flat black bonsai pot."


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Plants: Rock and one weak grass in whiteish "kitty litter"

Obtained: N/A

Training: Sit out in the RB.

Detail: Dec 2011 described as, "Blur (bonsai) pot with grey / white rock and one grass leaf."


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