Quick link to snapshot from 2024-10-24 of all my trees!

Quick link to snapshot from 2023-10-27 of all my trees!
Zake's Bonsai Collection by tree
Index / LINKS Species Style State
Tree #15 Apple / Malus sylvestris Informal Upright Bonsai; in 2019 SBBK show
Tree #35 Ficus benjamina Upright broom Bonsai (indoors sometimes)
Tree #14 San Jose Chinese Juniper - Juniperus chinensis Literati Vaugely showable
Tree #1 Hollywood Juniper - Juniperus chinensi "Torulosa" Literati Almost showable
Tree #2 Prostrata Juniper or San Jose Juniper Informal Upright Forest on a Slab Bonsai in recovery
Tree #36 Yew Forest Pre-bonsai
Tree #10 Pine TBD Pre-Bonsai
Tree #3 Boxwood / Buxus Twin Trunk Training
Tree #11 Boxwood / Buxus Informal Upright Training
Tree #13 Ficus benjamina Literati Training (indoors sometimes)
Tree #38 Pine Twisty Training
Tree #17 Elm Informal Upright Training in tericada
Tree #37 Elm Informal Upright needs a nice pot and...
Tree #18 Ginko UNK Training
Tree #19 Japanese Juniper - Juniper procumbens "Nana" Literati Training
Tree #40 Japanese Juniper - Juniper procumbens "Nana" Literati Training
Tree #39 Pine Literati Strainer
Tree #22 ... ... big sweep movement, electric cut in side, spiky leaves
Tree #24 Silver Lightning (?) Upright from seed, self sown
Tree #25 Pine Style tall exposed root standing project
Tree #28 California Coast Live Oak Exposed root informal upright Training
Tree #32 'Chojubai' (Salmon Sport) dwarf Flowering Quince / Chaenomeles Japonica ... ...
Tree #34 ... ... plastic pot
Tree #41 Boxwood Informal Upright Training
Tree #42 Washington Hawthorn Informal Upright Recovery
Tree #43 Cape Honeysuckle / Tecomaria capensis TBD training
Tree #44 UNK TBD training
Moss Moss Optional ground dressing in any style... Various
Accent Plants Accent Plants Complementary plants and other things for display... Various
Pots and stands Pots Pots and stands Various
kitch figurines and misc none okay
. . . .
Tree template Common / Latin Style State
Tree #5 Pine Literati Donated/Sold
Tree #8 Monterey Pine / Pinus radiata Informal Upright Donated/Sold
Tree #6 Japanese Red Maple / Acer palmatum Twin Trunk Informal Upright Gifted to Chef Al
Tree #21 ... ... Passed 2023; from Alemedia beach, non-draining
Tree #31 'Kuro Koji' (deep blood red) Flowering Quince / Chaenomeles Japonica Abstract family style
Passed 2023
Tree #16 Serissa japonica Mame / Broom Passed 2021
Tree #9 Black Locust / Robinia pseudoacacia Informal Upright (was pair) Passed 2020. Almost made it to be potted tree for future lawn. From seed in Burlingame, potted, twin to single in Belmont, lived last days in Hayward.
Tree #23 ... ... Passed 2019/2020; was in plastic needing drain holes.
Tree #20 Hillier Chinesse Elm Good looking little tree w/ lots of buds Passed June 2019
Tree #29 Obtusa "Nana gracilis" dwarf Hinoki Cypress / Chamecyparis Bushy and full; purple sheen Passed July 2019
Tree #12 Maple / Acer Literati Donated/Sold
Tree #4 Coast Redwood / Sequoia sempervirens Formal Upright Passed July 2018
Tree #7 Riber (?) Informal Upright Passed
Cork Oak Cork Oak - Passed 2014
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus - Passed 2012
Tree #30 'O-Yashima' (double white) Flowering Quince / Chaenomeles Japonica ... NOT SURE [1/22]
Tree #26 ... ... NOT SURE
Tree #27 ... ... NOT SURE
Tree #33 ... ... NOT SURE (plasic, same as #16?)
Kumquat Kumquat - -
WesternRedcedar Western Red Cedar - -

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