Wishes Already Granted!
- iPhone v4
- Bourjois #19 Brun Rose
- Apple laptop - one able to run "heavier" video editing
applications etc, with a large screen and spare battery too
- Those hiking socks with the special patch of spandex / wool across
the Achilles Tendon PICTURES
- Stila brow polish gel sourcil .14 fl oz "warm"
- Clarins "01" 7mL 0.25ox
- (Another) Stainless steel water bottle
New Apple bluetooth touch-surface magic mouse! > Mac Mini is older
pre-bluetooth model
- Flat screen LCD monitor
- Must work with MAC
- Needs very fast refresh rate
- Needs to have really good color
- The BIGGER the better - wide screen movie style keen
- Dual input would be way sweet
- Stainless steel water bottle
- Curling iron
- iPhone dock with speakers (charges phone too) for use in the bedroom