This is our backyard garden, spring 2021. Basically a 33 by 3 foot slightly raised bed, shaded by 60% shadecloth about five feet overhead. Gets lots of intense sun nonetheless.
Overview pix is hard to see anything other than neighbor house and sky, but right between the concreate and fence is the vegie garden. larger image
Here are pixs going left to right as you face the garden.
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Mostly bok choy, spinach on right, peas climbing in back, and cucumbers starting back right. A few tiny onions in the front.
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More bok choy, spinach, peas (tiny), and two sweet peppers in foreground.
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Bok choy, peas. Two cherry tomatto in back center. Some letus in front but mostly hiden by wood frame. A few tiny onions in the front.
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Onions. Rosemary in front. Sweet basil in back.
Still in sprout form, will be going to herb garden soon; cillentro (raised mobile cart to reduce slug and cat damage) and catnip (indoor windowsill). larger image larger image