Elements of nutrition

The Paleolithic Diet

Resource Earls

Article Earls


Notes from Michael Pollan's books

Food movies (list on another page)

The Master Cleanse Lemonaid Fast (another page)


Elements of nutrition:

Glucose: Sugar molecule; body's main energy source. Glucose is metabolized by insulin into energy for actual cells

Carbs: Digestion turns these into glucose

Fructose: Found in fruit. Fructose is metabolized by liver into glucose, then if not used, turned into and stored as fat

Whole Food: Greater than the sum of its parts

Fiber: Slows down digestion

Sucrose: Table sugar; made of glucose and fructose


The Paleolithic Diet:

Nuts, berries, tree bark?

The Paleolithic Diet as practiced today would be: Meat, often raw; no grains; no beans; no bread; no dairy. Pre-agricultural, but after cooking was established and evolved into.

Here's an example of the wheat based sandwich leading to late afternoon sugery snacks leading to weight gain and health problems: drbriffa blog; he uses the word, primal.


Resource Earls: Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables and How to Grow Them in Your Garden


Article Earls:


Sleep and Weight gain and obesity: TH, Natural News, TH (10/10)

Fat confussion! (9/10)

Between meal snaking on nuts as a weight control technique (6/10)

This page covers autointoxication well: (6/10)

Microwave Hazards - maybe a little frindge, but overall a must read (5/10)

Dairy: Six Reasons You Should Avoid It at All Costs (This article is a bit scattered and slightly on the radical side, but all the salient points are in there): (4/10)

Detoxify Your Body With A Veggie Diet -,9178,0,0,1,0 - study includes more than just a change in diet, but interesting none the less (4/10)



Catching Fire: How Cooking Made us Human - Richard Wrangham

The Taste for Civilization: Food, Politics, and Civil Society - Janet Flammang

Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis (2009) - Al Gore

The Town That Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food (Rodale, 2009) - Ben Hewitt


Notes from Michael Pollan's books:

"Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants."

Eat less meat and fewer daily products.

Insofar as plants, leaves are "greater" than seeds. As omnivores we generally (other than fish) don't eat predators, but we need to be very aware of the food our food eats. It's all about the soil: food grown on nutrient-deprived soil is going to be much less nutritious. Wild, nutritionally, is superior to domestically raised as needs to be more disease resistant and eat more disease resistant stuff.

Most healthy beef is Pastured, Grass Finished, and 100% Grass Fed.

The Food Movement, Rising - A great read! Ties together many different movements and theams. (5/10)