General Terms:
- Go - encircling game; game theory-wise Go is a non-chance
combinatorial game with perfect information
- ko - can't repeat board position, one of the few rules of the game. ko
is a sanskrit term meaning eternity. Life is like a river, everchanging;
see super-ko rules and snapbacks.
- komi - 2nd move bonus
- tsumego - death and life
Tactical Terms:
- atari - one liberty remaining!
- Iron bar - straight connection; extend
- one space jump - skip over leave one space
- knights move - 2x1 "L" move
- three or more space jump
- diagonal - diagonal move
- Elephant Step - 2x diagonal move
- joseki - Well known multi-move exchanges. Established sequences of
play (mostly corner, some mid-game, all context specific)
- shicho - ladder
- geta - net capturing tactic
- pincer (hasami) - surrounds from both sides
- snapback - one player allows a single stone to be captured, then
immediately plays on the point formerly occupied by that stone; by so
doing, the player captures a larger group of their opponent's stones
- ko battle - []
- cut - []
- hane - going around / reaching around / bending around move
- tiger mouth - []
- tesuji - a clever play (Shape and tesuji are basically mirrors of one
another. When a good move is found for defense it is good shape, when
the same move is found on offense it is a tesuji but these are both
examples of the general suji.)
- sabaki - quick development
- Elephant Eye - cutting point inside the Elephant Step
- "move is too slow" - move gives up sente, addresses something non or
less urgent, there are better moves
- asking move - move where answer from opponent will help you decide
what to do elsewhere on board
- push - move parallel to edge with secures territory
Dynamic tension:
- sente - having initiative "before hand"; attacking mode; urgent for
opponent to answer
- gote - defending "after hand"; defensive in nature; opponent need not
respond directly
- reverse sente - stops opponent from getting sente
Strategic Terms:
- fueski - opening strategy; skills in middle game; positional judgment
- kikashi - move forcing a specific response
- tenuki - not following the opponent's lead but playing other
priorities on the board
- yose - endgame-like tightening play / jose - skills in endgame
- aji - latent potential (threat); ranging from strong, or even dead
with lingering potential, or weak, or able to be compromised
- tewari analysis - playign the moves in a different order
- sabaki - playing lightly; opposite of playing having heavy stones
- "clean up aji" - player will have to spend stones to deal with aji
Shape Terms:
- katachi - shape - []
- double eye - []
- seki - mutually alive pairs of white and black groups where neither
has two eyes
- karui - move basic to, or causing, a quality shape
- moyo - framework for potential territory
- thickness - (well connected, but not heavy)
- thinness - (streched out, loosely connected at best)
- dumpling / omoi katachi - heavy or clumsy shape
- dame - unfilled neutral points between territories
- damezumari - shortage of liberties
- table shape - []
- tiger's mouth - []
- mouth shape - []
- tortoise shell - []
- banboo joint - shape with two continguious internal open connectors
- empty triangle (bad shape) - []
- flower viewing ko - white cannot lose much while black can suffer
Location Names:
- san-san - 3x3 corner point
- hoshi - 4x4 corner point
- tengen - center point , "Sweet center of heaven"
- miai - interchangeable points
- "The girl who played Go" - Japan occupying China through the
perspective of a Go game, alternating turns of Chinesse girl (with some
western influence) who plays a strong game with a Japanese soider
- "Go! More than a game" - Great instruction from beginer quickly into
some depth
- Recommended Go books for people who want to get better at Go more
Sequence philosophies:
- Opening game
- defining space
- foundation into structure
- corners then edges
- forth row, then third and fifth rows
- potential
- Middle game - center
- establishing own space
- structure from foundation
- center-play
- shape
- End game - finishing touches
- denying other's space
- second then first row as needed
- clean up
Rule sets / counting methods:
- Japanese - Scoring is territory surrounded plus dead and captured
stones; 6.5 komi; points in seki do not count; suicide not allowed;
repetitive situation (triple ko) may void game
- Chinese - Scoring is by area (your stones plus surrounded
territory)(361 minus dame divided by two is half-count to beat); komi
7.5; points in seki do count; suicide not allowed; superko rule;
- AGA - Chinese but with a handicap minus one added to white
- European - Japanese but with draw instead of game reply for some
repetitive situations
Online servers:
- Wbaduk
- Tygem
- Pandanet-IGS
What I learned from AlphaGoZero:
- Play closer to opponent, don't leave neutral space btwn black and
- Make opponent's shape long and thin - holds less points.
- There are orders of magnatude higher skill levels.